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My only regret in life is that I did not drink more wine


Very cozy fish restaurant with Mediterranean set up, serving various fish, salads, seafood, best spicy fish soup and great french wine Fehmi Agani,Pristina, Kosovo 049 212 300
  • Contact Icon Numri i telefonit:+383 49 212 300
  • Contact Icon Numri i celularit: +383 49 212 300

Rishikimet e klientëve

Shto një rishikim

Cheers to the weekend
Every detail is crafted to create a serene and captivating atmosphere.
Pistachio Cream
Torta të dekoruara
Hajde gezuar për shoqnin
Torte Barbie
A touch of modern
Koktej dhe pjata të sofistikuara ju presin në Serai!
Sunday relax
Is the most wonderful time of the year
Torta të ndryshme