Open Positions in American School of Kosova
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At the American School of Kosova (ASK), we are committed to helping all studentsrealize their full potential by supporting their development of a positive self-conceptand enthusiasm for learning. We believe every human being can make a difference inthis world when there is respect for self, respect for others, and respect for ourenvironment. We believe students nurtured in an environment with friendly and firmcommunication develop responsibility for their own behavior, learning and a concernfor others. We also believe that continual school improvement is optimized whencollaboration is encouraged between staff, students, and parents.Are you passionate about international education?In the American School of Kosova (ASK) we always seek faculty and staff who arepassionate about international education and academic excellence.Following positions:Elementary School TeacherSocial Studies TeacherSubstitute TeacherGeneral Requirements :BA/MA in relevant field;Speak and write English at professional level;Minimum 3 years of experience in related field;Openness to learn and adapt to a dynamic and collaborative staff ofeducators;Empathy to care for students, parents, staff;To Apply:Please submit the CV to hr@askosova.org by specifying in the subject line theposition you are applying for
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